Arizona Trip Report 2022

In September of 2022 I set out on a trip to southern Arizona with the hopes of encountering as many rattlesnake species as I could. While I didn’t encounter all the rattlesnake species I had hoped for, I enjoyed breathtaking landscapes, good company and many encounters with other exciting reptiles and amphibians. I am very eager to take another trip to the region to search for many more of the reptile species I missed out on this trip.

Green rat snake (Senticolis triaspis)

Black-necked garter snake (Thamnophis cyrtopsis)

Sonoran coral snake (Microuroides euryxanthis)

Long-nosed snake (Rhinocheilus lecontei)

Vipers (7/13 species in AZ)

Rock rattlesnake (Crotalus lepidus)

Western black-tailed rattlesnake (Crotalus molossus)

Western diamondback rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox)

Mojave rattlesnake (Crotalus scutulatus)

Ridge-nosed rattlesnake (Crotalus willardi)

Sidewinder (Crotalus cerastes)

Tiger rattlesnake (Crotalus tigris)

Sonoran green toad (Anaxyrus retiformis)

Eastern patch-nosed snake (Salvadora grahamiae)

Canyon tree frog (Hyla arenicolor)

Big Bend patch-nosed snake (Salvadora deserticola)

Arizona tree frog (Hyla wrightorum)

Gopher snake (Pituophis catenifer)